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Tantric Edging Massage

Edging massage (orgasm control; peaking; surfing) is one of the very exciting massages. But is not sex. Just give you happy end massages you need to come and just stop. An effective cure for impotence and premature ejaculation。 and we are utterly delighted to have discovered how many people are curious about it!

The purpose of edging massage is to build up tension and energy in the body, which can lead to more intense sensations and a greater release of endorphins. The benefits of edging massage include:

Increased pleasure

Edging massage can feel incredibly pleasurable and can enhance the overall massage experience. By building up the tension, you can experience more intense physical sensations and a greater release of endorphins.

Better control

Through edging massage, you can learn how to control your arousal and sensations, which can help improve your overall sexual function. This can be especially helpful for individuals who struggle with premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction.

Stress relief

Like any type of massage, edging massage can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. The release of endorphins during the massage can help soothe anxiety and promote a sense of calm.


Edging massage can be a unique and intimate experience between partners. It requires communication, trust, and a willingness to be vulnerable, which can help strengthen the bond between partners.


Some practitioners believe that edging massage can help heal past physical or emotional trauma related to your sex life. By taking the time to explore your body and your sensations, you can work through any unresolved issues and become more comfortable with your sexuality.

There are many ways to explore edging, and it is a great introduction to erotic power dynamics (if that sort of thing appeals to you). For you, edging is all about tracking and controlling the arousal of someone else. Arousal is a potent physiological state, and I obtain a remarkable high when experiencing another person’s slow climb into a state of unprecedented arousal. The increased heart rate, flushed skin, erratic breathing, and give you ecstatic moans feed your erotic appetite… tantric orgasm control massage could revel in your arousal forever.

If you want to experience such an exciting edge massage, please contact us to book the service!

Susan Massage Spa is a professional therapist Massage spa. Our spa is located at Number 200 Xinzha Road, Huangpu District Shanghai, if your office or hotel is nearby, you can contact us for massage service. We also provide a Callout massage service. Whether you are in Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou, or Shenzhen, we can provide the Massage service for you. Just contact us in advance, and we can arrange everything reasonably for you.

We provide many kinds of massage services, you can learn more here!

If you want to find a relaxing massage to relax yourself, please contact us to book the service! You will never down to choose Susan Massage!


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